
Anti-Corruption Practice for Companies in Malaysia

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Suitable for
2 Days
Group discussions and practical exercise

What you need to know about this course

It is not only about awareness but also implementing an Effective Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS).

Suitable for C-Suite / Heads of Division  Department Internal Auditors / Integrity Officers / Employees holding High-Risk Positions / Other Employees requiring Anti-Corruption Training

You and your team will be trained by, Alan where he has worked for the government of Malaysia in the offices of various federal ministers related to legislation on statutory Corporate Liability offences, leading to the MACC Act 2009 and new provisions which were enforced in June 2020.

The objective of the training is to increase awareness of Anti-Bribery policies, and understand how they can be effectively implemented in your organisation. You will learn typical behaviour that can contribute to unethical practice and corruption at the workplace. An interactive session will teach participants of common workplace scenarios and learn how to use good judgment, discretion, and moderation to minimise the risk of corruption occurring. The course will cover key points of the MACC Act, elements of an effective ABMS and case studies of recent corruption cases.


Skills you’ll gain


Effectively implement Anti-Bribery policies.


Identify existing and potential corruption risks.


Navigating MACC Act and elements of an effective ABMS. 


Use good judgment, discretion, and moderation to minimise the risk of corruption occurring.


Develop a suitable anti-corruption plan that specifically addresses your organisation’s needs.

Course outline

14 Checkpoints (2-Days Course)

  • How Corruption Can Impact your Organisation
  • MACC Act 2009 (revision 2018) – Scope, Applicability and Penalties
  • Corporate Liability and your Organisation – Why it Matters
  • Key Elements of an Effective ABMS
  • Conducting Due Diligence and Raising Red Flags
  • Identifying and Ranking Corruption Risks
  • Producing an Effective Anti-Corruption Plan
  • Systematic Review and Reporting
  • Having a Secure Whistleblowing Channel
  • Measuring the Effectiveness of your Policies
  • Raising Awareness with the Right Training Plan
  • Effective Communications Strategies
  • Applying ABMS to your External Stakeholders
  • Risky Workplace Practice – Case Studies
Lead Facilitator

Alan Kirupakaran

Prior to joining the government, Alan was the Executive Director (ED) of TI Malaysia, the local chapter of Transparency International (TI), the global coalition leading the fight against corruption.

As ED he helped build constructive engagement with the government, notably advising on steps to improve Malaysia’s CPI results and the application of TI tools to improve transparency in government practices. Alan currently sits on the Executive Committee of TI Malaysia.

Among his key professional achievements include:

  • Provided anti-corruption advise to over > 40 government agencies, private companies and NGOs with diverse corruption risks
  • Trained > 250 Integrity Officers
  • Presented and moderated at > 100 industry conferences, seminars and workshops