
ESG for SMEs: Opportunities and Risks


What you’ll learn

The fundamental of ESG to the SMEs.

The effective management of material ESG matters enables SMEs to mitigate their non-traditional risks.

ESG opportunities for value creation and appropriately transits to a low carbon economy.

The recent years have seen the emergence of environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting among the publicly listed entities. The fundamental question is whether ESG is also relevant to the SMEs, which do not need to comply with such reporting requirement. This half-day course aims to inform SMEs that ESG is not merely about reporting, but more importantly it is about good business practices. The effective management of material ESG matters enables SMEs to mitigate their non-traditional risks, especially the environmental, climate and social risks, which may cause them out of their businesses. At the same time, the effective management of material ESG matters leverages SMEs on ESG opportunities for value creation and appropriately transits to a low carbon economy.


Skills you’ll gain


Evaluate the importance of ESG risks and opportunities to their businesses


Identify relevant material ESG matters required appropriate management


Identify the stakeholders and their ESG needs


Equip with the basic knowledge and prepare for the management of ESG matters


Review how SMEs could contribute to a low carbon economy and sustainable development

Course outline

5 Sessions (Half-Day Course)

  • Planet, ecological footprint, and climate change
  • Workforce, customers, community, society, and human rights
  • Corporate governance in SMEs
  • Sustainable development and national interest
  • Banks’ actions: Bank Negara Malaysia’s Climate Change and Principle-Based Taxonomy 2021
  • Government’s actions: National Environmental, Social and Governance Industry Framework (i-ESG) for the manufacturing sector (MITI), expected 2023/2024
  • Actions from customers, vendors, and other stakeholders
  • Sustainable business, business opportunities, and value creation
  • Sustainability risks, business risks and sustainable business
  • Sustainability and climate risks assessment
  • Stakeholder engagement in identifying material sustainability matters
  • Strategic ESG: innovators, adopters, and laggards
  • Incorporating ESG in your business model, strategic plan, and business practices
  • Building ESG reputation for sustainable business
  • Stakeholder communication and communication channels

Note: The schedule and topic order may be subject to change at the discretion of the trainer/speaker.
Please note that the duration of each session is subject to change based on the actual webinar.

Lead Facilitator

Dr. Lau Chee Kwong

PhD (Accounting), MBA (Finance), BBA (Finance), FCCA, CA(M)
Dr Lau is Associate Professor of Accounting with a British University. He has more than 25 years of practical experience in financial accounting and corporate reporting, corporate finance, banking management, financial management, investments, academic administration, lecturing, corporate training and consultation work. He conducts training, lectures, and seminars for inhouse corporate clients as well as public courses in IFRS/MFRS/MPERS/MPSAS, sustainability reporting, financial shenanigans, etc. Dr Lau lectures the bachelor’s degree programmes, MBA, MSc Professional Accountancy, Master of Finance, ACCA, CFA, and ICAEW; and supervises master’s and PhD students in their research projects. His research papers have been published in journals and presented in national as well as international conferences. He served as a member of the Issues Committee of the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (MASB) from 2008 to 2013. He is also a member of the ACCA Malaysia Advisory Committee from 2019 to 2023.